Les femmes qui en donnent : existent-elles vraiment ? Où les trouver ?

Women who give it: do they really exist? Where to find them?

Is it finally time to say goodbye to this illusion? I am referring to the overarching and sticky idea that there is a category of so-called the women who give itdistinct from all other categories of ordinary women.
I think these days, smart and educated as we are, we all know it’s bullshit. That, in other words, the man who seeks the woman who easily gives it to everyone he is not a seducer looking for a partner but a mediocre man looking for easy prey.
Stupidity is inherent in the term itself: in the concept of “giving”. When sex is an exchange of pleasures between two lovers and a shared act of intimacy, what is the point of talking about giving it and receiving it?
Let me be clear, nothing I’m about to say is intended to discourage your sexual adventure, your “tete-a-tete” or your cultivated fucking friendship. You can seduce contains an avalanche of useful tips for carrying out each of them and getting the most out of them. All I’m saying is that sex is more than a transaction and for a skilled seducer, sex comes by itself.
In other words: a skillful seducer finds women “who give him” everywhere.

Are there women who give them?

The man who believes in the mythological being known as women who give it to everyone tends to think that it is possible to seduce one woman after another with divine efficiency and speed in order to get them all into bed sooner or later. The reason this is an illusion has everything to do with biology.
Women have a great need for emotional connections, especially where, as in sex, they make themselves completely vulnerable to men.
For the woman sex it needs to have an emotional basis to be a reliable thing that won’t make her feel bad in the long run. The evolutionary reason for this need is the instinct to procreate and raise children. The woman wants maximum security; must be able to trust; he must feel like he is doing the right thing.
The case of man is quite different, who rather has the instinct to scatter his own seed and achieve as much sexual intercourse as possible. In pre-modern times, when infant mortality even exceeded 50%, a man driven to wild reproduction had a much greater chance of transmitting his own germ, and with it his own inclination, than a chaste and modest man. . In fact, it was male savagery that made the survival of our species possible. Feminine prudence serves to temper it.
The woman is therefore not at all inclined to conceive the sex equal to a man. Not only is her emotional premise different from that of a man, but the way she thinks about sex after having it is also different. During the ordinary sexual act, the female brain creates links different from the male brain which lead to the strengthening of its bond with the man. The woman leaves the sexual act, especially if it is the first, profoundly changed.
It must be remembered that even a casual sexual encounter, the so-called tête-à-tête, can have emotional repercussions for the woman even when the woman in question realizes that there was never the idea of a romantic relationship.

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How do you find the woman who gives it?

The evolutionary, biological and psychological reasons that I have given you to explain the different female conception of sexual relations must now serve you to draw the conclusion on how to get to the woman who gives it to you.
The answer is simple. Seduction.
When on TuPuoiSedurre I teach you to become a real seducer, I teach you to respond to the woman’s strongest desires to give her all the psychological assurances that you are the man she needs. It doesn’t matter whether your goal is romantic or erotic, the impression of reliability you get from the projector is almost the same.
THE seducer, a creature completely different from the horny male, reassures the woman in all phases of seduction, from the first contact to the conquest under the covers – but also beyond. Acting as an erotic partner rather than a crook who has made the deal of his life, the seducer leaves the woman satisfied, or at least not disappointed by the choice she made to undress for him.
Consequently, the seducer does not rule out future seduction of the same woman and obviously does not suffer from the reputation of a profiteer and peasant. On the contrary: if the news of his sexual success spreads (by the woman of course, not by him) his reputation in the eyes of the women around him can only benefit from it.
But so far I haven’t told you anything definitive about how to hypothetically find the mythological woman who gives it (to everyone?).
But I think you understand that the myth is simply a myth and needs to be debunked. stereotypes about woman who gives it these are false indications, lies, based on physical appearance and so-called cryptic signals. For you, as a seducer, they can only harm, because you do not have to feed on children’s stereotypes and false myths but on correct observations and direct experience.
So I offer you again the sacred truth set forth above: Skilled Seducer Finds Woman Who Gives Him Everywhere He Goes.

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