femme qui parle avec vous

Why is she confiding in me? Here’s the whole truth

We begin this article with a confession from our loyal reader:

“My best friend explained to me that for conquer a woman you must first be her friend or listen to her and advise her when she has problems. He also said I needed to be honest so the woman could really get to know me. Honestly, this advice led me to become “friends” with a girl I liked…”

Well, you already figured it out for yourself:
Never take one woman’s advice to win another!
We joke that the main characteristic of women is confusion. This is because there is always a profound difference between what they say and what they really want.
Let us take the case ofcrumb who gave you this advice. Why have you never slept with her? After all, she’s a friend. You will surely have already gone through some of the steps she suggests with her.

What do women really want?

The answer is very simple: women want both security and emotion.
What friends provide is security.
L’emotion a lover wears it.
The problem is that women are fully aware of the need for security, and its complements: dedication and attention. The need for strong emotions a little less. That’s why they talk about it less. Yet emotion is for them like adrenaline for men.
The qualities that your friend recommended to you, which are nothing more than the qualities of a best friend, are a basic condition for a serious and lasting relationship. But they have nothing to do with seduction.
If you are only able to do the good boy — reliable, always available, patient and caring — you will never sleep with her. If you happen to sleep in the same bed, it will be for sleeping and that’s it.
So put aside your instinct to start a family if what you really want is to seduce a woman. Nature didn’t create us just to be husbands with a dozen children. He also created us as seductive animals – which you are too, although you may not realize it. Family is a good thing without a doubt and we are not discrediting it. But what you still need to realize is conquest of the woman. The other things will come by themselves.
Flirting develops differently between men and women. Men, let’s face it, only think about sex and flirting has to be sexual for them to be meaningful. For women, everything happens on an emotional level and you have to engage their imagination.
So don’t even think about talking about your romantic relationships with little brothers, grandmothers, uncles and cousins. Instead of arousing him, you bury his erotic instincts for the rest of the evening.
Instead of introducing her with your bio, tell her a few interesting things. Make the stories on par with the favors you do for them. Either way, joke about the things you say and never take yourself too seriously.
Even tell her blatantly absurd things to make her laugh and to raise the constant question of whether the things she knows about you are true or not. With little but suggestive information, the woman will construct the most captivating mental image of you that she can.
Let the woman form her own mental image of you. His imagination will do the rest.

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