Pourquoi je ne peux pas draguer les femmes que j'aime ?

Why can’t I flirt with the women I like?

He who knows others is wise,
Those who know themselves are enlightened.
Lao Tzu, ancient Zen proverb

At this point, you need to start looking into the deeper reason why you keep attracting girls you don’t like while you don’t attract the girls you want.
I’m telling you that the beginning of the answer you’re looking for is already hidden in your question. You say you attract girls you “wouldn’t even consider.”
We all have the natural tendency to try to please everyone, as much as possible and almost always. This leads us to an effort to get along with everyone and try to understand why we are not liked by someone else. Really, the more a person ignores us, the more we are attracted to them.
When you reject or push away a woman, you hurt her ego, her self-esteem. Every woman, including the less attractive ones, carries the belief that she has a certain sexual appeal and is liked by countless men. When a man (in this you) proves invulnerable to the attraction that the woman attributes to him, his sense of security is momentarily destroyed. The only way to quickly regain confidence is to conquer precisely the one who hurt the ego.

You always want what you can’t have

The corollary also applies to yourself. Because the mechanism is the same.
As you told me, you have a good success rate with women, but the ones you want don’t show enough interest. You are basically in a vicious cycle. The woman who doesn’t want you is also attracted to you because she doesn’t want you, which is why you seek her attention. Result: she loves you less and less while you love her more and more.
In addition to not attracting him, you are also allowing him to view you as a trophy, which feeds his self-esteem and has no benefit to you.
All of this can make you feel like the world is made up of narcissists and sadists. And that is part of the truth. But it is also possible to come out of a situation like yours and be free from it forever.
The trick is this: ignore the judgment of others and move on. Already your self-diagnosis of the situation is the first step towards the exit.
Look at the woman you love more than others. How is this exceptional? In the end, very little. Are the humiliation and discouragement worth it? Instead, learn to treat the woman you love like you would treat anyone else. You will mature a whole new charm and (it goes without saying) I would apply the advice on seduction mentioned here even better.

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