Tu puoi Sedurre – Seduzione: Come Conquistare una Donna – TuPuoiSedurre.it

When to stop courting a girl and let it go

A woman who doesn’t want you it should be left aside. I went to great lengths to teach this principle to men who honestly didn’t want to hear about it. Convinced that the the woman’s disinterest both a hiccup and something they’re always on the verge of correcting, they keep squirming with the women who communicate to them every day I don’t want you.
The man who has lost his lucidity accumulates disasters. This is what happens in the face of obvious rejection from the woman or girl in question, he continues to insist. He continually looks for her, he doesn’t stop talking to her, he follows her like a little dog and harasses her with messages or calls. In the worst case, he starts giving her gifts…
He does not realize that the brutality insistence of his courtship transforms a woman’s attitude from negative to hostile.
Insistence can also lead the woman to reject in clear and absolute terms a relationship that she would have been inclined to consider in more relaxed circumstances.
The desperate man does not realize the risk that by harassing a woman who does not believe in a relationship with him, his own pressure will lead the woman to make mistakes in her turn. To get rid of the boredom, she makes him a promise that she doesn’t intend to honor… or she grants him a kindness that worsens his illusions.
In short, the man who insists has no idea of ​​the damage he is doing to his own chances.

Shy or confused woman?

When the average man fails in his attempt to conquer a woman he almost always falls back on one of the classic excuses to justify his failure and even pretend that it is in no way his fault.
He convinces himself that the woman who doesn’t want him is

  • female dog — someone who likes to play, who has no respect, who takes advantage of herself;
  • shy — that I have character problems, inaccessible to anyone;
  • beautiful/fresh/very cool — one with a whipped head, practically crazy.

The idea that none of these options, and their many variations, constitutes a correct diagnosis does not even occur to him.
The deep problem of the man who thinks this way isinsecurity, the defect that prevents him from self-criticism and improvement. It is therefore the man who deludes himself, who does not want (because he cannot) recognize the reality of the facts. He chose a woman who is absolutely not attracted to him or who made mistakes in her attempt at seduction. And he doesn’t realize it.
But such a man will never realize it!
So let’s leave aside all the probable faults of the woman in question. When the simple fact that she can don’t be interested (and end of story) it doesn’t fit into your head, there’s no point in talking about it…
The web liars and peddlers of easy remedies, the so-called seduction gurus, have no interest in making you understand this obvious fact. Their economic interest depends on your ability to convince yourself that the woman who doesn’t want you she really cares about you, that’s enough for you this simple trickall you need is this new look and all you need is this set of defined phrases.
I will make it simple for you at this point in our discussion: the man who feeds on such illusions is not a seducer and he is not the man from whom I can teach much.
THE alpha male he has no problem accepting a NO.

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Let her go, don’t push a girl who doesn’t want you

The woman who doesn’t want you should be left alone. It’s an elementary rule.
I have already indicated to you some of the dangers you run ininsist with a woman who let you know she wasn’t interested. I also warned you about common delusions that arise when you are rejected but don’t want to admit it to yourself.
To complete the picture of common and avoidable illusions about selfless women, let me point out that each of the following apologies offered by women constitutes a total lie which can only fuel your delusion if you do not recognize it as a lie:

  • Study/training obligations for which he cannot go out or have relationships;
  • Professional tasks that do not allow a private life to which you can return;
  • Need to hang out with friends or family at any time when she might see you;
  • Weird relationships with your ex so she doesn’t want it, she’s not sure, she doesn’t quite understand, she doesn’t know what she wants and so on.

You also know: A woman who wants you time finds it. A woman who wants you is looking for you. A woman who wants you subordinates her relationships with others to being with you. A woman who wants you definitely doesn’t think about what her ex will say if she goes out with you.
A woman in love or a passionate woman (or, why not, a horny woman) comes knocking at your door — or waits for you at her home, undressed and with a glass of wine. I tell you this to remind you, in case you have forgotten, that the difference between a woman who wants you and one who wants to avoid you It’s catastrophic.
Accept rejection and move on to another woman. Leave alone. Act like an Alpha male.
I also want you to realize that your fixation on a particular woman, while surely a transient phenomenon, is based on an exaggeration of her importance. It is your low self-esteem that makes you think that this particular woman is so important to you that she cannot be replaced by another.
This is another illusion that is not at all atypical. It’s up to you to recognize it and protect yourself from it. There are billions of women in the world, and there are certainly millions of women essentially identical to the one you’ve become obsessed with at this point in your life.

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Letting her go is attracting her

And I tell you one more thing. Far from being a myth of popular psychology, show indifference towards a woman can have the effect of attracting her to you.
I would like to point out right away that this is not a trick. And it’s not even a real strategy to follow. It’s simply one of those psychological mechanisms that comes into play when the woman who recognizes you as a potential partner realizes that you are not desperate that you are capable of living without her and that you even have the ability to attract other women.
The reason behind this strange attraction is simple and intuitive. Aside from the fact that it is nice for a woman to have a desperate man courting her and causing worry that he will disappear, there is also the fact that a man who demonstrates that he has a choice is attractive , unlike a desperate man, who never is.
(Note the resemblance of this effect that your departure could have in this case with the technique)
Give up a woman who loses interest can then attract you later, in addition to greatly benefiting your self-esteem and putting you in contact with other more available women.

Why do women lose interest?

Suppose there are women whose attitude of selflessness it is an affectation: a behavior collected who knows where and assumed for some absurd idea of ​​an image. It’s called immaturity and you can’t expect to fix it from the outside. It is up to the woman to develop a better personality.
Women with behavioral fixations aside, there are three categories of women that I can point out to you for whom disinterest has deep-seated reasons. Their being difficult, in other words, must be understood.

– Religious women

It is often a rigid upbringing and religious beliefs that make women incapable of having fully free relationships with the opposite sex. Perhaps they carry the idea that flirting, physical contact, and dating are only allowed if both people expect a very serious relationship leading to marriage.
These can be dream women, both as life partners and as sexual partners. But they do require the man to specify whether or not he intends to have a long-term relationship with the prospect of starting a family.
If this is not your intention I advise you not to waste your time.

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– High status women

Women who earn a lot of money tend to want a man who earns the same and ideally more. But they can also be women who have always been treated like queens and expect the same level of dedication, mainly financial, from every man they meet.
What is the desire that drives a man to chase such a woman? It is often the commonplace idea of ​​having a high-ranking woman to display in society.
It is not uncommon for sex with women in this category to be excruciating.

– Women with sexual disorders

There are women who have psychological difficulty accepting male proximity and contact and who experience sexuality as a chore from which there is little pleasure.
It’s objectively difficult to make a sexual relationship work with a woman who is afraid of sex or who is actually asexual. Women in this category need medical and psychiatric help if they are to overcome the difficulty they are having. There is never a guarantee that overtaking is possible.
Failure to recognize such a problem from the start is why some relationships unexpectedly implode later.

When it is normal to insist: the only case

I grant that there is a case which apparently (but only apparently) is an exception to the rule that I am trying to teach you, namely that the selfless woman he should not be prosecuted.
The exception is in cases where you and she have had a prior intimate relationship or have become aware that there is or was a mutual interest.
When you know the woman is interested in you – and you know this for very obvious reasons, like a past relationship – then yes, it may be worth persisting with your expressions of interest or explicit invitations to go out or to meet you. It is assumed that in this case the woman needs encouragement, something that will make her overcome the probable obstacle of her indecision.
I call it the case Apparently exceptional because in this case you have good reason to believe that his disinterest is essentially false.
I hope I don’t have to remind you that the basic rules of flirtatious behavior apply here too. Lightness – in tone and manners, because you do not want to oppress or annoy him; respect — because the feeling of not being taken seriously makes her think that maybe she can’t trust you; kindness and education – because you are not an ordinary man but a man of value.
Note that even in this case, I invite you to continue to seduce her without taking anything for granted.

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