Elle ne m'écrit plus

She no longer writes to me: why? What can I do?

This is a fairly common problem that can be caused by a variety of situations.

That is why I will consider the most common cases, trying to highlight the most common errors.

A woman who doesn’t respond to your messages may be completely indifferent to you.

The possible reason is that you are not his type, so you have to accept it.

But it’s also possible that you haven’t seduced her yet. Maybe you haven’t even tried. So where’s the surprise?

If you understand what seduction techniques are, you will understand if you have already seduced the woman in question.

I suppose not.

However, in the following discussion, I will assume that you have started seducing a woman who is not currently texting you. The woman you are cheating on will no longer send you messages

Let’s say you met a woman while trying to seduce her.

But now you find yourself in a situation where the woman does not respond or does not pay attention to your messages:
He hasn’t written to you for several days and doesn’t respond.

The first possibility is that she doesn’t like you.

This is the possibility I want to draw your attention to first, because it is absolutely the most common.

It is also the most difficult to accept. It could be that you’re seducing the wrong way or that you’re not his type. It happens and you must accept it without fear.

I’m telling you right now, if a woman doesn’t want you, you have to let her go.

There is a second possibility: she is the kind of woman who does not respect others (the so-called whore).

This is a sad case but undeniably true. A woman who doesn’t respect the men she flirts with, and even feels obligated to ignore them, is a problem.

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I do not recommend that you bring this problem into your life. Don’t chase her until she changes her attitude.

The third possibility is that the lady is busy.

In this case, you have an obligation to give her space and not rely entirely on her. Remember that no one is obligated to answer you and a woman’s responsibilities are not a very good reason to stay on the phone.

A man who thinks that a woman has no right to defend herself for her life is a spoiled, selfish and almost always caring man.

He is a man who easily pushes women away with his constant signs of insecurity.

He’s the kind of person you shouldn’t be.

In fact, your role model is a man with the opposite attitude:
confident, more than woman oriented and no pressure at all. Has he stopped writing to you? calm and confident

When you find yourself in a situation where a woman stops writing to you, the most important thing for you is to be calm. Making extremely destructive mistakes at this stage of a relationship is due to panic and fear.

It doesn’t matter if the woman in question has a good reason for not communicating or if her attitude is clearly aimed at you.

Your polite, carefree response should be the same. You should never push or disturb her.

Courage communicates insecurity, a flaw that women find repugnant.

But it also makes you seem desperate for his attention. The man who makes the last impression unconsciously positions himself on the woman’s carpet.

The best thing to do is not write to a woman who doesn’t respond to you or who constantly lets you know she doesn’t want to talk. Chances are good rather than restoring or removing technique at initial level. Try to ignore them instead of bothering them – you’re more likely to get their attention.

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Continue to ignore him while remaining calm, your weapon at this stage of your relationship.

She doesn’t text you anymore? Don’t be afraid anymore!

It’s this fear that keeps us from remaining calm in frustrating situations, like when a woman stops texting us. Therefore, fear is an enemy that must be tamed. You need stability and an overall sense of self-confidence.

You can’t let irrational fears haunt you, whisper stupid thoughts in your ear, like texting her for the third time in two days and she still hasn’t responded.

At the heart of your recurring fears are personal problems. The problem lies in your low self-esteem and, therefore, self-doubt. All the fears that torment you when the woman in question hasn’t written to you for days, for example, confusion:

For what?
What did I do?
Why doesn’t she answer?
What is she doing?
Where are you going? with whom

These are expressions of problems that are all yours and all within you.

The solution to this internal problem is also internal, it consists of deliberately changing your way of thinking. Instead of thinking about them, think about yourself. Instead of thinking about the next message you’re going to send him, do something else.

Because the ideal way to appear independent is to live independently.

This is the number one reason why women stop writing

All the good reasons why a woman might not respond to your instant messages are just valid excuses to respond later.

But if a woman stops texting you or shows she’s not interested in your texts, something is probably wrong.

Chances are you made a flirting mistake that piqued his interest. You can certainly try to trace the error by thinking about what you said and did.

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But more specifically, you can be seduced by following the advice You can seduce now and think strategically.

Instead, the mistake that is most often made in message communication is to emphasize desperation and, above all, to keep asking.

Nobody likes to be asked. Over time, this approach to communication becomes embarrassing and even frightening for a woman. As has been said many times in these pages, the ideal way to approach a woman is to push her away, not give her space.

You don’t have to be with him in person, and you don’t have to be with him over text.

A typical method of texting men to harass women is to ask constant questions.

What should I do if you don’t text me for a day?

The first thing to do when you meet a woman who has stopped texting you is to not respond to her. This is a way to formally balance the relationship and give a clear, but in no way intrusive, signal that you have noticed the marked change.

His apparent acceptance of the distance she has created is a subtle way of telling him that he needs to repair the relationship.

Accepting and respecting the strangeness that a woman has created is an opportunity to affirm her importance. It would be the opposite to write to him again:
prove that you are one of them.

Check out king-seduction’s seduction content to find out if you’ve ever acted like a seducer with her. Here you’ll find in-depth discussions on body language (an indicator of a woman’s interest as well as a seduction tool), physical touch, direct approach, sarcasm and indiscretion, and much more. other subjects.

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