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Sex on the third date? 43% of French people say Yes

A study carried out by a famous leading company in France in the organization of events for singles revealed a very interesting fact: the French tend to sex on the third date. We obviously believe that we must know ourselves and that there must be a prelude to the sexual act.

Research reports that the 43% of people In fact, people surveyed said they wanted to wait until they got to know their partner better before have sex. Even if there is a minority of cases where the erotic spark is also triggered from the first meeting (the 25%), sexual relations take place on average after the third date.

Sex the first time on the third date?

Data shows the power of first impressions, which can even lead to sex. However, it seems that for many people, sex and lasting relationships are only possible after people know each other well enough.

We infer how important a person’s inner rather than outer values ​​are in the long run. The outside is the host only during the first meeting.

It is equally important to understand that you should not get discouraged if you are already at first date erotic desire has not started in both and foreplay has not started. It seems that both men and women want to proceed gradually to access sex.

The time people take to evaluate themselves is also used to judge the reliability of the information the partner has transmitted.

Simplicity and consistency are greatly appreciated, so that the comments are understandable and not contradictory. This applies to both the content of things said and the manner in which they are communicated.

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Indeed, many women say that they did not trust a man whose appearance was false and whose words, however logical and in themselves credible, did not correspond to the body language of the man who said them.

They concluded that the man in question was lying.

Other interesting statistics

32% of people surveyed said they need time to decide whether or not to have sex with the other person.

First of all, they want to create some intimacy. Additionally, many of them, including women, find their single status very satisfying and want to be very sure that a relationship, whatever it may be, is worth the effort and time.

25% said they did so need of physical contact at the first appointment, but it appeared later that up to 80% they appreciate adequate body contact on their first date.

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