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Quit Technique: The Secret Weapon to Getting Your Ex Back

Don’t be heard for a certain period of time in order to attract someone’s attention or get your ex back partner is a valid, well-known (under various names) and widely tested technique. However, this does not mean that everyone knows how it should be applied: not everyone knows how to proceed in the Don’t talk to get your ex back or to get noticed.
We will call it the “technique of not being heard”, but it is also known as the “no contact technique” and resembles the other very powerful maneuver yet recommended in the context of an active relationship or in seduction phase, which is the technique of reset.
Not being heard allows you to realize various relational benefits. It is both a tool for personal improvement what a winning technique. Its potential for seduction lies in the psychological fact that distance makes us more attractive and that not being heard for a while attracts the other’s interest in us.

Why not talk to win someone back?

The main reason I recommend people take a break is not to be heard for a period of time, it is to send a psychological signal to the other person that complete withdrawal is a possibility.
The partner who neglects you, who takes your presence in their life for granted or who has not yet understood the value of your attentions needs a moment to visualize your absence. By strategically absenting yourself, by creating a new distance between you, you show the other person what it means to not have you next to you.
You would be surprised at the effect of small moments of understanding, when as if in a flash, a person understands something that seemed impossible to understand.
But not being heard has another value, this time for you who applies the technique.
Not being heard for a while creates an opportunity for you reflection. This should be taken seriously and absolutely not wasted. The moment of reflection that you created with your distance should serve to help you understand a thing or two about yourself and a thing or two about the other person.
Here are the questions I want you to ask yourself during your reflection period:

  1. Is the relationship with others precious, important, irreplaceable? I want you to emphasize the importance as objectively as possible real of this relationship in your life.
  2. Is the relationship with the other based on love, sexual attraction or strong affection between friends?
  3. How do you feel when you are around the other person? Happy or unhappy? Do you have a feeling of self-confidence? Or do you perhaps perceive a feeling of anxiety, insecurity or fear?
  4. Are you afraid of not being with someone, of finding yourself alone? Sometimes the need of the other is nothing more than the need of someone
  5. Do you perhaps have difficulty not thinking about others, devoting yourself to your commitments and sleeping well?
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The reflective pause you have conquered is a good time to clarify at least some of these questions.
You will better understand what you expect from the relationship with the other, what you are getting at the moment and if it is perhaps not the time to let her gofor your own good first.

Why does the technique of not being heard work?

I tell you first the positive effect more interesting than the technique of not being heard. This is the effect that by not making ourselves feel, we appear more attractive to the other person.
It’s not an urban legend or one of those things that everyone says but no one believes. It is absolutely proven that the person who moves away from us attracts our attention, arouses our curiosity and instantly appears more attractive to us. It is a well-known psychological effect whereby distant things are more suggestive than near things (because they seem less familiar, more exotic, more exciting).
But this also happens because the person who does not make themselves heard gives the impression of not being dependent on the other.
The least attractive thing of all is despair. Giving the impression that you don’t have a life independent of anyone else is fatal to their interest in us.
What attracts people is love own. This is actually the second front on which the technique of not being heard works best. Taking time for yourself means regaining strength, correcting your outlook, becoming aware of your own qualities and decreeing a list of personal improvements that they want to achieve.
Ideally, a period of separation like the one I’m suggesting will make you a better person with much more self-esteem.
Finally, I point out that the technique of not being heard is diametrically opposed to the blunder of to stay on to someone, to oppress them and to insist. The not being heard technique works for the same reasons that being over a person doesn’t work.

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When not to apply the technique of not being heard

Before any practical discussion, however, I will make a remark on the circumstances in which not I advise you to apply the technique of not being heard. In these situations, the technique cannot work as we would like and it is believed to be damage or a strategic error.
These are the situations where

  • you are colleagues o collaborators in the same context;
  • You are separated from home or living together;
  • You have children in common that you need to take care of;
  • The other person is dating another person.

In these cases the technique of not being heard is impractical and it is necessary to resort to other techniques for which I advise you to consult the resources of You can seduce. Assuming you have decided, after deep meditation, that relationship is what you want, the techniques you use will likely be the most appealing.

How to apply the technique of not being heard?

It doesn’t matter if your decision not to be heard is due to a desire to get someone’s attention or if it represents a period of serious reflection that could even lead to the breakdown of relations with a person who is not not good for you – technique of not being heard it is based on the same rules.

The rules of not being heard

  • Stop talking to the other person in any circumstances where it is not strictly necessary.
  • Refuse any attempts at contact and avoid being seen.
  • Do not contact the other person to message nor call him on the phone.
  • Reject all calls or messages from unknown or hidden senders.
  • Don’t show your social content in a way that grabs their attention. In fact, stop worrying about whether or not the other person is looking at you.
  • Do not make any reference to your relationship in your online content.
  • Do not return items. This act indicates a desire to make contact and distracts attention from the main signal which is your absence.
  • Put away or throw away gifts, notes, or anything that evokes memories of the other person.
  • Avoid mutual friends.
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At this point, I think you understand why it is also called “contactless technology”.

The duration of non-listening

No standard length of time is given for the technique of not being heard because every situation is different and it is up to you to judge, in the first place, whether the relationship you have been meditating on should be repaired rather than abandoned.
But if you need a ruler, I’ll show you a period Go on 14 days to 2 months as perfectly normal.
What matters is not there duration of non-listening as much as its absolute: the total absence of contact. Equally important is the decision you make about this relationship during your period of withdrawal and reflection.

Don’t make yourself heard to win over your ex

You may have noticed that I mentioned the technique of not being heard as a technique that opens up multiple possibilities and which mainly serves to improve your condition.
Why conquer or win someone back it might even turn out to be the thing you ultimately don’t want. By realizing your true desires and possibilities, you will gain clarity, which may mean changing your mind. I want to encourage you in this, because achieving something true is good.
But when it comes to get your ex back there is no technique more immediate than not being heard.
Not talking increases the ex’s instinctive interest in you. Make the ex realize the possibility of losing you. It also communicates your independence, the possibility that you may have other relationships, and that time to recover is limited.
Common experience sees exes (trying to) make contact as soon as the awareness of the distance that has been created is revealed to them.
Once the period of estrangement has expired and the decision to renew relations with the ex has come, the time has come to relaunch the relationship on a new basis. Now that your ex recognizes the fact that you have a life independent of his, this is your chance to restore the relationship without the flaws that previously marred it.

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