Le contact physique

Physical contact, the key to seduction

The temptation is physical contact. Without delay:
They are animals, you and the woman. It’s easy to forget this simple fact.

Indeed, it is the denied animality that makes us ignore our species’ capacity for intrigue. You also have this ability within you. By learning the following method, you will remember and improve these innate mechanisms.

You will change your life for the better.

What you absolutely should not do with a woman – Important notice!

When trying to seduce a woman, the mistake to avoid at all costs is to touch first. Never do this!

Never touch a woman first

Important rule:
If she doesn’t show she wants to touch you within the first 5 minutes of talking, you should go out and touch her.

A handshake is enough for introduction and introduction. Strong, certainly, but without breaking the poor lady’s limb!

The mistake you absolutely must avoid in your seduction is touching the woman first – absolutely don’t do it! Let him do this spontaneously, like putting his hand on your arm to speak.

The gesture will be quick and natural:
It’s up to you to understand it and understand its value. This is his first step and your chance to return the favor, perhaps within a minute. You touch it with the same intensity and duration.

This is the decisive moment. With his touch, he crossed an important barrier:
He opened the way to intimacy for you. Now is the time to test yourself. If you can’t respond to his gesture, show that you and he disagree.

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Besides, what woman wants a man who doesn’t even dare to touch her, perhaps in front of people? If you don’t even touch her, she’ll wonder how you perceive her as a person (and me about the Chronicles).

But at the same time, it’s just as bad not to touch a woman at all. Why is physical contact a sign of a man’s strength, other than direct physical feelings towards a woman. It is rare for a woman to meet a man who is afraid to hold and touch her.

Physical contact is not only a valuable weapon of seduction, but also allows you to quickly exit the circle of friendship, although – as we will see in detail in the following articles – it is due to the right approach to contacts that follows. behavior from a friend to a more sensual and intimate person.

Just past that first hurdle is the actual physical contact you’re really looking for (so to speak).

At first, you’ll probably feel like all the attention is on you, that you’re being judged on your every little move. But here’s a big revelation:
no one cares about you No one looks at you.

No one is monitoring your perfectly normal physical contact.

This is because: Few people understand the appeal of physical contact.
Everyone is so preoccupied with themselves that they don’t even pay attention to the most important gestures.

Personally, I had a good friend who introduced me to a girl. At dinner, I sit down in front of my enormous prey and I’m pretty sure my friend on the right is studying my every move.

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After having studied seduction and body language enough, I decided, before fully mastering it, to try what I am explaining to you now. I waited for the decisive moment – he touched my hand – and the next moment I responded with the same gesture.

No one bothers to notice physical contact

The mistake to absolutely avoid when trying to seduce a woman is to touch first. Not to be done ever!

Never touch a woman first

An important rule:
If she shows no signs of wanting to touch you within the first 5 minutes of the conversation, you need to go out and touch her.

During the first introduction and presentation, a handshake will be sufficient. Certainly vigorous, but without crushing the poor woman’s member!

The mistake to absolutely avoid in your seduction is touching a woman first – absolutely never do it! Let her do the gesture, in a spontaneous gesture, like putting her hand on your arm to speak.

The gesture will be quick and natural:
it will be up to you to grasp it and understand its value. This is his first step, and your chance to repay, perhaps in the next minute. You will touch it in exactly the same way, with the same intensity and for the same duration.

This is the decisive moment. Through touch, she overcomes an important obstacle:
It opens the way to intimacy. It’s time to test yourself. If you can’t respond to his gesture, show that you and he disagree.

Besides, what kind of woman wants a man who doesn’t even dare to touch her, perhaps in public? If you don’t even touch her, she’ll wonder how you perceive her as a person (and I’m talking about Chronicle).

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But at the same time, it’s just as bad not to touch a woman at all. Why is physical contact a sign of strength in a man, other than direct physical feelings towards a woman. Of course my friend noticed every detail, I was surprised when she admitted to me that evening that she hadn’t noticed any of our excesses. In short, physical contact, even under people’s radar, can easily go unnoticed.

You don’t have to be afraid to take action. Less than 10% of what you do is seen by those around you, and that 10% is almost always irrelevant. (Except for those who have seen Wang Dao!)

After the first contact, you will be able to caress and caress her. fearlessness His permission allows you to make gestures of appreciation.

Each of them brings you closer and closer. Look around you. People avoid touching others – on the subway, on the bus, people avoid physical contact and even eye contact. Here, with your wife, you are different from others. Bring out the animal in you, your true innate nature. You will soon learn that while physical contact is a weapon of seduction, it is also a way to bring people together and make others happy.

Physical contact is the only key to communication and seduction.

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