
Kamasutra The Handbook of the Most Famous Sex Positions

Regardless of what you have heard, the kama sutra it’s not just the book of sexual positions. It’s much, much more.

The most famous book on sexual pleasure – and which only partially deals with sexual positions – everyone thinks they know it.

But do we know what it is called correctly and how to spell it?

The third variation is completely incorrect. The second is the most precise. The first is a perfectly acceptable Italianized variation that has been used for a very long time.

The Kamasutra, to begin with, is neither an instruction manual for making love nor a book of illustrations with every position imaginable.

What is the Kama Sutra?

It is a book with no single recognized author whose compilation dates back to the 3rd century Indian sage Vatsyayana. The material in this book is knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Vatsyayana himself, as a monk who took a vow of chastity, explained that his knowledge came from divine meditation.

Throughout the “Kama Sutra”, the merging of mind and body is the meaning of sexual behavior, therefore, sexual behavior is by no means a purely physical activity. Sex is also a kind of spirituality.

In fact, meditation is known as a sexual enhancement method because of its many benefits. reduced, for example. Stage fright and premature ejaculation. Sex e-book. The secret to driving them crazy with pleasure involves light meditation exercises specially designed to improve performance.

What does Kama Sutra mean?

In Sanskrit, it literally means “treatise on pleasure”. The Kamasutra is much more than sex. It is developing as a true modern manual to teach men and women to feel good. Its central message is that, in a couple, you must be able to bring mental and physical pleasure to your partner.

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The Kama Sutra even gives advice on how to meet a woman, how to marry her, how to woo her – advice that certainly doesn’t apply today – and how to seduce her. The Kama Sutra tells a man how to treat a woman, how to be an alpha, how to keep her, and how to satisfy her consistently. She explains to a woman how to please a man, make him happy and behave “femininely”. He then offers some advice on extramarital matters and techniques to help others do what we want (the chapter is aimed primarily at women).

The Kama Sutra is also in part a seduction manual, showing us that the importance of gender roles was enormous two thousand years ago. Like nature itself, failing to fulfill these sexual obligations means risking relationship problems and unhappiness. So it’s clear that these aren’t the only sexual positions that attract women. What nature demands is that you show your masculinity in life and in bed.

Sex in Kamasutra

And then, of course, the most interesting part of the Kama Sutra, which is sex. The book begins with the classification of men and women according to the size of the genitals.

In fact, the best sex happens naturally between size-conscious men and women. So the little man goes well with the little woman. Similar combinations also work:
A short man can be compatible with an average woman. In fact, the medium size is the most suitable for everyone.

Sex, perhaps the least satisfying, takes place between fat and short partners.

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The Kama Sutra then discusses the preparations, part of which is described as essential and inevitable. Recognizing the benefits of long cuddles (such as alleviating premature ejaculation) is certainly part of the ancestral wisdom of our species.

A prophetic example of all kinds, the book covers fellatio, cunnilingus (or cunnilingus), biting, scratching, kissing, cuddling – all aspects of animal sex, including sadomasochism and (at least) bondage. The final chapter of the Kama Sutra deals with personal hygiene, appearance and physical fitness.

It offers stimulants for sexual health and performance (the blue pill is a two thousand year old idea!). As in the path of my deception, it is recommended to take care of physical form and appearance to improve seduction, but also sex.

Is the Kama Sutra a sex manual for married couples?

Some people view the Kama Sutra as a guide for married couples. Perhaps this is because they thought of many similar Victorian textbooks that encouraged monogamy. Well, the concept of monogamy found in the Kama Sutra is very different from ours.

The central point of the Kamasutra is female happiness. In fact, it is believed that if a man cannot please her, a woman will seek out a man who can. Therefore, a man must master the art of lovemaking in order to please, satisfy and make your woman happy. A sexually satisfied woman is ready to give herself entirely to a man, soul and body, sexuality and spirit.

For many centuries, the Kama Sutra virtually disappeared from the cultural scene. Because of its written language, it was long known only to scholars. For example, over time, various imitations have appeared. Ananga-ranga, the hardcore version.

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It was not until the 19th century that an English translation brought the Kamasutra back onto the international scene. This is where the Western world finds itself searching for (little-known) erogenous zones, “passion centers,” the precise sizing of genitals to optimize pleasure, and cultural discussions of foreplay.

The best positions for making love

In fact, the Kama Sutra is not a book of sexual positions. This is a guide that tries to teach you the best way to make love and enjoy the sexual act. The part that describes gender positions is definitely the most famous (and probably overrated). But the meaning of the different Kama Sutra postures is not only pleasure but also physical fitness.

Certain Kama Sutra positions can be used as a treatment for premature ejaculation. Others are designed to stimulate the woman to the maximum and are recommended to combat anorgasmia in both male and female versions.

Other positions are important in the level of intimacy and closeness they can achieve. In his case, physical pleasure takes second place.

In short, the postures suggested by the Kama Sutra can become an essential part of family life. You can use them to please your partner, introduce something new and break your routine, or prove your love. Ultimately, it’s important to have sex, properly and a lot

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