Tu puoi Sedurre – Seduzione: Come Conquistare una Donna – TuPuoiSedurre.it

How to text to seduce a woman

New technologies and mobile phone they first represent both an obvious opportunity for approach and seduction and the possibility of making mistakes and disfiguring oneself in a completely new way. This is understandable: these are clearly different means from a traditional face-to-face chat. However, let’s try to outline some strategies to avoid avoidable mistakes.

A regular reader writes to us:

“There is a friend of my sister who I have loved for a long time, green eyes, magnificent physique. As she is a friend of my sister, I know her, we joke every time she comes and I must say that I even touched her, that is to say that there was contact physical. Maybe to avoid messing with my sister it’s best for me to avoid courting her in person so I thought I’d see what I could do over the phone…I know she texts and that she is on the iPhone all the time. First of all I would like to know how to request your number? I would like to avoid embarrassment as much as possible. What would you advise me? Once I have the number, how should I behave, i.e. how many times is it best to contact her per day or per week? »

It must be said that the time when the expert pretender avoided complicating his life with small talk is definitely over. Telematic communication is an everyday thing today and much more intense than a generation ago. We therefore immediately see the weaknesses and strengths of this method of seduction.

Seduction by telephone: weak points

It’s missing physical contact (!).
You don’t see her body language (!).
So you don’t see certain errors and you don’t correct them.
You cannot fully utilize the effects of the tone of voice.
Great risk of misunderstandings.
Great risk of relegation in the friend zone.

Telephone seduction: Strengths

Seduction practicable from a distance.
Valid remedy for the inability to see each other.
Not very intrusive (maybe she’s very shy or engaged).
If practiced well, it can be inspiring and effective.
It is possible to interact with several women simultaneously and with little effort.

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Asking a woman for her phone number is simple. You just did it, without mincing words or gimmicks. What is not recommended, however, is giving it the to have number. Many women, even if they are interested, have difficulty making themselves heard at first. This should not be a problem since you must conquer her.

But how often should you call him?

An important rule

If the attraction was undoubtedly strong – she indicated she was interested and the physical contact was intimate – wait Three days before contacting her is a good deadline not to exceed.

If the contact between you was prolonged, perhaps even physical, but overall friendly, I recommend contacting her later 2 days for revive their interest and arouse yours.

If then the contact between you lasted a very limited time and you separated shortly after, perhaps just after giving the number, and the physical contact was zero, it is better to contact her afterwards. A day (approximately 24 hours). You need to give her the signal of your interest in getting to know her better.

There is no argument that it must be the man who is looking for the woman and not the reverse. It is unrealistic to expect her to call you. Instead, it becomes ridiculous (and unattractive to a woman) to lecture him about not talking or that you should take the lead. Complaints like that convince the woman that you are insecure.

Always assess what commitments she might have at the time you are speaking. You absolutely must not disturb her. If you’re unsure whether or not to call him, don’t. It’s best to avoid actions you’re unsure of. Likewise, childish games such as anonymous calls or calls “by mistake” should be avoided.

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Another important rule: NEVER ask a woman out the first time you talk.

The meaning of the first communication is exploration. You’re trying to get to know her so that the first meeting is an event she’ll enjoy – not something she takes for granted or an uncomfortable circumstance like the movies, where you can’t talk. A binding law of seduction is patience.

Finally, a phone call that goes well should be continued. Don’t think that cutting it in half is a clever trick to make you want more. No. A woman who speaks to you fluently is a source of valuable information that should be used at the first opportunity, perhaps on a first date.

If, on the other hand, you notice that she responds in monosyllables or shows signs of boredom or frustration (perhaps due to facts that do not concern you), continue to greet her cordially.

End the communication without promising that you will have a response at a later date.

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