comment rendre jalouse une femme

How to make a woman jealous: 3 concrete examples

You can make a girl jealous with a few sentences written over email. In fact, this maneuver is considered an advanced debauchery technique. It takes planning, skill and determination.

As an advanced technique, it is not recommended for people who do not have the strength, that is, the self-confidence, to provoke this woman in order to arouse her jealousy. It’s also downright frustrating for those in long-distance relationships. A woman’s jealousy can lead to unpleasant consequences. There are no seduction methods that guarantee success, and the success technique of envy is a high-risk technique. Its task is to awaken in a woman a pinch of special desire, which is caused by jealousy. This is to create a strong feeling, make her think that she must act and also put pressure on her.

Making a girl jealous can be a way to seduce, conquer, or win her back, but it can also be a way to compete with a romantic rival. When used correctly, the jealousy technique can have a significant effect.

How to make a girl jealous

If at this point you’ve decided that your relationship with a woman really needs some healthy jealousy – or if you’re just curious about this seduction technique – read on. I will first show you the most powerful aspect of this technique, which is body language. Next, I will introduce you to some quotes to make a girl jealous, which can be an example and an example for you.

Body language to make a girl jealous

The most effective (because funny) way to make a girl jealous is not your words, but your behavior. Body language is all you need to put exciting and provocative thoughts into his head.

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An example of what I mean is not responding to his messages right away. Waiting for her for a few hours or even a day is a popular way to fool a girl into believing:
1) You don’t live on the phone because you have a life: 2) You do who knows who with who knows.

Foreshadowing – the imaginary thoughts you conjure up in his mind – is your weapon in this maneuver. The weapon, as you can see, is almost completely inactive. She does everything and you say nothing. The obvious rule is don’t overdo it.

Another behavior that can easily make a woman jealous is your kindness, your smile, your friendship with another woman. It could be your colleagues, friends, strangers on the train or the bartender.

Ordinary polite words are not exaggerated at all, and of course they will also have the effect of attracting the attention of other women, first arousing the girl’s curiosity, and then the girl’s jealousy. It’s amazing how aware women are of other women around them….

Saying things to make a girl jealous

The second way to make a girl jealous is with words.

An example of verbal provocation is when you tell the woman in question (without necessarily speaking to her) a story that affects you and another woman. The story would ideally be entertaining and not intimate – in fact, the intimate content would not be marked in any way. You allow others (including yourself) to make your own decisions.

The story may include an unusual experience:
travel, event, accident, work experience. What matters is that it involves you and the woman in a meaningful way.

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The second rule of the jealous technique is suggestion, the opposite of cruelty. You definitely don’t talk about your sexual success with the different women you’ve had…instead, you let people joke about it. All you need is a smile or a big laugh.

Talking to other women in her presence will give you another great opportunity to make a girl jealous. You will be kind and cordial, you will gradually turn your body towards your interlocutor, and you will ask them questions and (why not?) compliments. These will be appropriate to the circumstance and degree of knowledge and in all respects friendly.

3 phrases to say to make a girl jealous

More concretely, when it comes to making a girl jealous with words, there are a few phrases you could experiment with to reach her jealous target.

An example is a request for information, such as the name of a restaurant, that suggests the existence of a romantic relationship in your life that she is unaware of:

“Do you remember the name of this restaurant in Paris where we had dinner in August? I would like to go there with a friend.

Note how the mention of “a person” instead of “a friend” can seem overtly provocative and therefore irritating rather than suggestive.

Another thing to say about soliciting jealousy is to offer equally suggestive advice, e.g. to watch a film that you often watch as a couple:

“You should definitely see La La Land (I saw it recently with a friend), I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

A classic instead is to mention having been in the company of another woman:

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Whether the woman you’re referring to is an equally known friend of the girl you’re jealous of, or whether it’s a mysterious character she’s hearing about for the first time, it doesn’t matter . The effect may be the same. Until now, it has been assumed that this woman could be your partner or a rival.

what are the dangers of making a girl jealous

Jealousy is dangerous for everyone. It is always possible that a jealous person will react very badly. Applying the jealousy technique correctly is also not easy because it requires a strong belief in what you do and say. So I recommend (obviously) thinking and planning.

A poorly executed attempt to make people jealous or target a girl who isn’t jealous can have disastrous results. It is my duty to warn you against terrible attempts at “jealousy” and their consequences. It goes without saying that the above rules allow you to show off at least a decent look.

Last but not least:
Good luck!

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