Comment se fiancer avec une fille : 4 étapes faciles

How to Get Engaged to a Girl: 4 Easy Steps

The man who seriously asks himself this question is the man who thinks about the future, because the engagement it is the sign of a deep and lasting relationship.
In his forward projection he usually sees marriage, while in his backward projection he usually sees a romantic relationship that has developed over time and is ready to culminate.
For get engaged to a girl Above all (and obviously) you have to find a girl, meet her and talk to her, go out with her, get to know her and seduce her at every step.
All the moments of the man-woman relationship which You can seduce has debated at length and on which he can provide you with valuable advice if not even practical guides.
I refer to the moments before engagement not only because I would like you to take a look at the rich resources that are the result of infinite experiences.
I also want you to go through (or retrace) these phases of your relationship with the woman so as not to make the trivial mistake of launching yourself into a formal relationship with the girl without having thought about it and without being convinced that this is the right thing for you.
THE engagement I hope that you agree, this is a serious matter. This is a serious commitment. This takes seriousness.
So meditate on the advice I give you below.
Check that they match your experience, that you have gone through the preparatory steps that I recommend and that your relationship with the girl is set up in the right way for the engagement.

1. Find the girl to get engaged to

For get engaged to a girl needed first find a girl — a step which, like all the others on the path to commitment, must be taken consciously and methodically.
I have already addressed the question of how to find a girlfriend.
I remind you, in this context, of the main theses that I presented:

  • Go to places frequented by girls, especially those with a female majority;
  • Meet new girls through the social groups you belong to;
  • Meet girls according to your interests, maybe even via the Internet;
  • Don’t miss an opportunity to talk to girls, even those you meet by chance;
  • Expose yourself, run the risk of being rejected, get out of your comfort zone.
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For a man who is considering getting engaged, these principles are of particular importance.
Because the man who thinks of to commit all the more reason for him to meet and get to know as many women as possible.
The selection he must make (see discussion below) is more serious and delicate than who picks the next girl in bed.

2. Choose the right girl

THE cognitive moment it is crucial for a relationship that will gradually become more intimate and serious. You will need to understand what type of person you are dealing with, what mentality and personality they have, what plans and ideas they have for the future, what they want and what they don’t want from a relationship.
Do not hesitate to ask the right questions to a girl you like and are getting to know with the idea of ​​a possible commitment.
L’appointment This is the ideal context to ask him questions.
Elsewhere, like At Work, this intimate investigation can seem invasive, because the girl does not necessarily expect it or is not necessarily in the mood to confide.
Getting to know her as a person helps you determine if she is the right person for you. There is no doubt that there is no end of bad girls. “Bad” in character or way of thinking; “false” for the life plans they have; “wrong” because maybe they don’t want a relationship or they don’t want the engagement.
However, schedule time for both you and her so that you can get to know each other well. You don’t need to ask him the whole list of questions you wrote down.
In fact, if you don’t ask them tactfully and in the right circumstances, your questions could turn the date into an interrogation and give him the wrong impression. (Remember that at a appointment you are also under investigation – by him.)

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3. Getting engaged to a girl: values ​​and honesty

Getting to know the girl means finding out how she thinks and what values respect life and relationships with humans.
Sometimes it turns out that two people, despite all their beauty, are not a good match because the values ​​they have do not match well or are even in complete conflict.
Shared values ​​are what a long term relationship is based.
Not physical appearance and not a common hobby. That’s why it’s important for you to know if the girl you’re considering getting engaged to shares your opinion.
Of course, it’s up to you to show the same respect and seriousness towards them by speaking honestly about the things you believe in, the things you care about, the things you don’t want, the things you yours values in conclusion.
The man who thinks of get engaged to a girl he gains nothing by lying or suppressing important truths. Lying or hiding means planting mines along the paths you will have to travel in the future. So open up and talk to honesty with the girl who wants to meet you.

4. Getting engaged to a girl: your requests

Just because the girl needs to know, you need to understand too your requests. By this I mean both the things you’d expect in a commitment-oriented relationship and the things you wouldn’t accept in a relationship this important.
You need to understand that in a serious relationship with a woman, you can’t keep saying yes, like you might do with a girl who only interests you short term, preferably in the bedroom.
I have made you understand the importance of mutual understanding in a long term relationship. I just add that a man who can assert what he wants and who can explain himself lightly and confidently makes an excellent impression.
The woman sees him as a man who knows what he wants and is therefore reliable.
These are two very good reasons to clarify your requests towards a girl you consider a potential girlfriend.
And I will add a third, more concrete and immediate. A girl who sees you as a confident and strong man will have no doubt that in a relationship with you she will have to make efforts.
The big disappointment for many people, men and women, is the discovery that the person they were dating is not the same person they are now engaged to. He has stopped taking care of himself and/or feels that he has already invested enough.
This happens because the importance of his demands in the cognitive and seductive phase of the relationship has not been well emphasized.

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Once you meet an ideal girl and make the decision to build a oriented relationship with her engagementcontinue your seduction, continue your cognitive work and do not introduce unnecessary complications into your relationship.
It is a typically feminine error but it is possible that a man is also tempted by it: the error of creating difficulties, test or complications when the relationship is going well and everything is going well. They think it’s their way of showing their worth. Childish behavior like this can ruin a promising relationship by making you look like an idiot.
Instead, dedicate yourself to ongoing knowledge of the girl you would like to get engaged to – including in your calm (remember not to exaggerate) inquiries into the circles and people she hangs out with.
These often have an influence on people, and if you get engaged, they could become a part of your life too.
The formality of asking a girl if she wants to get engaged with you, it’s optional. Most girls that you have established a good long-term relationship with would appreciate this and so it is a good idea.

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