Comment conquérir une très belle fille : les 3 étapes de base

How to conquer a very beautiful girl: the 3 basic steps

When you want to conquer a beautiful girl or a particularly attractive woman, there are some things we need to keep in mind.
The first is that beauty is truly subjective, or at least to a large extent. What is a beautiful woman to you will be a pretty but not exceptional woman to another. Tastes vary from person to person and so does the hierarchy of physical and character qualities that each of us has in mind.
When we study a beautiful girl, we take into account that she is a “beautiful girl” because we have conceptualized her as such. This should not make us forget that it is always and in any case a woman, or rather an essentially normal person.
When we try to understand the attitudes of pretty women and the behavioral tendencies of pretty girls, we must therefore always remember that these are vague indications. The beautiful girl is not a being profoundly different from the ordinary woman.

How to conquer a very beautiful girl? The 3 basic steps

Step 1: Speak lightly and normally

The Alpha male — who, eventually, you too will become — addresses the beautiful girl with the same calm, the same lightness and the same self-confidence with which he addresses his sister, a parent or a neighbor.
The effect that this way of talk there is on the woman is memorable. It should not be underestimated. The beautiful girl or woman fully convinced of her sexual allure notices it instantly. Because this is not how the vast majority of men, most of them mediocre seducers, address her.
The Alpha male gives him something to think about: an impression of solidity and depth. Treat it with absolute lightness it doesn’t make her think he’s desperate for her attention – it makes her think he’s the rare man who has his pick of women and is aware of it too.
The woman who seduced by her physical appearance wonders why it didn’t work in your case. He wonders what else is needed. Meditate on the encounter he has just had. Try to read yourself. The effect? You’re the only man out of the last hundred she’s met who’s made her think. You are the one he may not forget instantly; which she will be curious to see again.

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Step 2: Don’t Compliment Her on Her Appearance

The beautiful woman is used to hearing compliments on physical appearance. Sometimes it’s the first thing a man says to her before even knowing her. Some are disgusted by it and simply don’t believe it, others treat the compliment as a sure sign of sexual interest.
Obviously this is something you not you will be. You will not compliment the woman on her physical appearance.
Both because you want to stand out from the mediocre crowd and because you want to give them the pleasure of feeling appreciated for something different. For example. his intelligence, a particular ability — perhaps even his choice of clothing (without references or insistent glances at the part of the body concerned).
For many beautiful girls, this is the most important thing: to be appreciated for something beyond their physical appearance.

Step 3: general seduction

To proceed to seduction ordinary as discussed in detail on You can seduce with levity, irony, physical contact and appropriate use of delete and reset.
Remember that seduction is gradual and intuitive. This requires patience and thought.

The beautiful girl is an ordinary woman

It is essential that you understand that the beautiful girl is always a woman. This fundamental awareness serves above all so that you can adopt the right state of mind when speaking to her. Thinking of the beautiful girl as an otherworldly creature will lead you to combine disasters.
But you also need it to adopt the right seduction technique, which (you will see) will be the good girl technique seduction which is valid always and everywhere and for all types of women.
The beautiful girl is beautiful because in your mind she has been defined that way.
I’ve already reminded you that another man might look at her and decide that aside from being pretty, she’s not that special. Along the same lines, I want you to realize that the so-called woman or beautiful girl often she herself does not have the perception of exceptional beauty.
Although almost all women consider themselves to have some sexual appeal – and this is even more true for young girls – you would be surprised at the amount of mental hang-ups many of them carry around. Even the beautiful woman you’ve momentarily fixated on may be absolutely convinced that she’s too fat, too tall, too thin, too short, too disrespected, and generally unhappy with the image she sees in the mirror.
While men are often unable to speak objectively about women’s external beauty, women are not much better off.
They see a thousand faults in themselves and even come to believe that their only attractive quality is beauty. The woman “full of faults” suffers enormously insecurity — your role will also consist of making her see better the qualities she possesses. you will go help him self-love.

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How to conquer a beautiful girl: Is she narcissistic and arrogant?

However, I warn you that the woman who relies exclusively on her physical appearance represents the real pitfall in the “beautiful girl” category. It is the woman who does not believe she has other qualities to develop and who has therefore given up on cultivating them. This could easily be the worst romantic or erotic experience of a man’s life.
It is not uncommon for the woman obsessed with her beauty to have the habit of using it for all the attention, favors or advantages she needs. It is the woman, in other words, who thinks she has done everything she should do for a man by the simple fact of existing.
With this warning, I don’t want you to forget that there is also a second explanation for the traditional arrogant attitude of the “beautiful woman”.
A very attractive woman is the center of male attention in most settings. The attention he receives is too much and some, it must be remembered, even very unpleasant. L’arrogance it is a defensive technique typical of many beautiful girls and which can also be completely fictitious.
By teaching you the light, ironic and polite seductive approach, I am also trying to implicitly teach you how to overcome the beautiful girl’s instinctive defenses. It is understood that by doing so you will distinguish yourself from the hordes of men who forced the woman to defend herself in this manner.

Seduce and conquer a very beautiful girl

A beautiful girl or a particularly attractive woman receives particularly large doses of male attention and approaches of all kinds.
The first element of your seduction strategy will be distinction.
Not you will go to stay on it, not you will go and harass her. You will do all your seduction in person, face to face, not over the phone — which is a way to convey information and not to seduce a beautiful girl who receives 100 messages a day from 10 losers who don’t have the courage to talk to him in person.
Beautiful women often don’t even respond to messages or they respond weeks late. They don’t have time for all the texting; they don’t trust men who only communicate via text; they don’t want to give the impression that they are available to chat with anyone (otherwise the messages will never end).
Going to talk to the beautiful girl in person will create a barrier of difference between you and men who don’t have the courage to talk to her.
The beauty of attractive women is exactly what scares fearful men, so they don’t introduce themselves or talk to her. You can’t even imagine the difference a woman feels when instead of another fearful and aggressive boy she comes into contact with a real man.
What the beautiful woman or beautiful girl would like to find in you is alpha male.

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How to get a beautiful girl: being an alpha male is the most effective weapon

THE alpha male he is a stable man who has confidence in himself. His self-love is the secret of its success. It is precisely the aura of confidence that the Alpha male exudes that allows him to capture the attention of the pretty girl, or rather of the one that mediocre men come across every day.

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