Homme dominant

Dominant man or control freak? The difference

The control freak he is defined as that type of man who dominates, directs and controls others.

However, note how the conceptual confusion in this area causes a seemingly similar typology, that of Bastard is actually rated positively. While the maniac enjoys no one’s sympathy, the harsh and cruel bastard is said to massacre women, who are unable to resist him.

So think about the Slut typology — the tough woman who doesn’t let her feet be pushed around and who easily defends herself from horny males who just want to fuck her.

These are all character stereotypes that often turn out to be completely unfounded. Often, they are simply wounded people who have decided to make themselves strong and enduring so as not to suffer further disappointments.

Who is the Control Freak?

The control freak who can be a man or a woman, is a person whose psychological problem (rarely serious) makes him feel a compelling need to control the world around him, including people.

The most pronounced cases are diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder of personality, but for us it is a side fact. The problem that concerns us is their need to manipulate people to maintain constant control.

In discussing pathological narcissism, we observed how manipulation is a cruel activity that causes great suffering to victims. So how can we check if we or someone we care about is the victim of a control freak?

Let’s start with these three general conditions that are indicative of manipulation:

  1. Yes is perfectionists to the point of exasperation over everything, even over things of little importance.
  2. Yes they have repetitive behaviors and thoughts habits And inevitable.
  3. Unable to suspend own rules And behavioral protocols without reason.
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If you find yourself in this situation, you may be a bit of a control freak. It’s not a problem as long as we can say that you are only A little.

All this preamble serves as a premise for my central subject, which is not clinical psychology but psychology seduction.

If you are a control freak, you are not a good seducer

A Control Freak who wants seduce man or woman and whatever the target of his seduction, will have particular difficulties.

His urge to control the world forces the maniac to engage in repetitive behavior even when trying to establish relationships with others. Its models vary little. The more severe his mania, the more restricted his behavior becomes.

I always tell you seduction is not a science.

Like any other circumstance, even one in which we assume you are a control freak is subject to the infinite variables of the people involved, their moods, the situation they find themselves in. So how can you seduce by more or less always applying the same patterns?

The problem has a perfect counterpart in the football scheme. A team that takes its corners the same way every time sees its chances of scoring dwindle. Furthermore, many factors influence the outcome of a corner kick: not only the particular movements but also the psychophysical state of the individual players and all their opponents.

A football coach who decides the plan basically does two things. Study your own team and the opposing team and apply your professional intuition.

Ultimately, the solo player’s stroke of genius.

The Control Freak barely scores goals because he is prone to performing the same pattern of seduction with different women in different circumstances. To help him, I don’t offer him tips or supposedly easy solutions, but I try to free his caged instinct. Because control freaks are a cage for your seductive mind.

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A control freak has little patience

I always insist that the patience is the key to seduction and it is always better to do less rather than more.

Seeking at all costs a response from the woman you are trying to seduce, perhaps after having communicated an invitation, creates a lot of pressure on the woman and leads her to flee. You need to have a sense of control over your choices.

The control exercised by the Maniac repels the person he is trying to seduce. It is seen as an authoritarian and imposing act that makes one feel oppressed. And that’s something no one wants in a relationship.

Dominant Alpha Man or Control Freak?

It is a long-standing and erroneous belief that a Control Freak is actually little different from a dominant alpha male. Both have the ability to dominate and make the woman do what she wants.

This error of assimilation often goes hand in hand with sloppy machismo which can affect both women and men. The disappointment that manifests itself upon discovering that you have an automaton partner is simply natural.

Women like it the adventure and the man capable of creating it. This doesn’t mean taking him on a trip to the rainforest, but avoiding doing the same things over and over again.

In conclusion

Understanding why a woman feels the need for new emotional experiences is not your goal. What should concern you is the awareness of this and the fact that it is a beautiful side of the female personality that should not scare you.

Remember that the adventurous woman in life is also adventurous in bed. Women of this type often represent the best sexual experiences a man can have.

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She will also make the same reflection. What memorable sexual experiences can she expect with a man who takes her out for pizza at the same place on Saturday night at the latest?

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