Est-ce qu'une fille t'aime si elle t'évite ? Voici la Vérité

Does a girl love you if she avoids you? Here is the Truth

When a girl avoids you the reasons can be multiple and the reasoning we have to make must be equally articulated.
It doesn’t say that since he avoids you then she is not interested in you and it is not said that since he avoids you it means that he throws riddles at you signs of interest.
We need to look at girls who decide to avoid someone. At this stage, we will study the body language of the girl to understand as much as possible her intentions.
Let’s start with the alternatives.

1. The girl avoids you because she likes you

The behavior of a girl who avoids you because she likes you this would be exceptionally childish and foolish behavior.
We cannot easily assume that this is why the girl is avoiding you, always assuming that we are talking about a woman and not a young girl.
But assuming that is the case (because after all it is not impossible) the thing to do is to keep an eye on your body language the reliable indicator of his interest because it is largely unconscious.
I invite you to observe it carefully but I also advise you to take advantage of the rich resources on the subject of body language.
The combination of practice and theory will make you take big steps in understanding the girl in question but also in your general ability to read people.

2. The girl avoids you because she doesn’t like you

This is, alas, the most common reason and, as it is unpleasant, the object of denial and self-deception.
But let’s be clear. In adults, avoiding each other is a negative sign. When a girl does it, it’s almost certainly because she doesn’t love you – because she’s not interested.

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What to do when a girl doesn’t like you?

You withdraw as much as possible from the spaces you share with her and start working on yourself. THE personal improvement which I always recommend in these cases aims to relaunch you in a better edition.
When you present yourself as a more confident and optimistic person as well as more orderly, you will have the opportunity to make them rethink.
But remember that ultimately the right thing to do with a girl who really doesn’t want you is to let her go.

3. The girl avoids you because she has another man

It could be the new guy she recently started seeing, her boyfriend, or even her husband.
The fact is that there may be something between another man which makes him think the right thing to do is to avoid you.
Maybe she’s afraid that spending time with you will be tempting – romantic or erotic – and that’s obviously a good indication of your seductive influence on the girl in question.
But it’s also possible that she feels a natural obligation of loyalty to the man she’s with or seeing at the moment.
If you decide to cultivate the seduction of a girl who is with another (perhaps because she is a married woman) you will start doing it by flirting.
Always very lightly, you will build a relationship in which it will be more and more spontaneous to tease and confide in each other.

4. Girlfriend saves you from being narcissistic or bitchy

With this fourth case, I want to warn you about the extreme situations in which the girl who avoids you finds herself narcissistic in the pathological sense or the so-called female dog.
The pathological narcissistic girl suffers from a psychological disorder, it is absolutely necessary to understand this so as not to underestimate the danger she represents. His narcissism – apparently exaggerated self-esteem – is pathological because it is harmful to others and, in the long run, to the girl herself.
The pathological narcissist sees the people around him as opportunities to be exploited. She is a manipulator who has no empathy or respect for the feelings of others.
You have nothing to do with the narcissistic girl. It’s not worth the shot.
the girl female dog That’s a whole different ballgame because there are actually two radically different types.
There is the purely bitchy, vicious, hopeless bitch who will be just as toxic a presence in your life as the narcissistic daughter if you let her in.
I would never advise you to pursue a bitch until she reforms the way she thinks and sees people.
On the other hand, the bitch who acts like a bitch because she was hurt should be treated differently. She must be seduced.
You can approach this second type of girl with determination and confidence, ignoring her aggression and continually showing her your interest.
So much the better if in the meantime she also proves yours kindness and your good manners.
This is because you want to convince her that her naughty attitude doesn’t impress or convince you.
You want to convince her, little by little, that you have the patience take care of her and that you are the man who will never hurt her.

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5. The girl avoids you because she is shy

The girl who avoids you problem why shy it is quite common and very well known.
we have worked out several times the right procedure for the shy girl you have decided to seduce.
This is a type of girl that clearly requires special caution and lots and lots patience and gradual.
If in general patience in seduction is indicated as a necessary requirement, in the case of the shy girl it is more so than ever.
In a similar but not identical way to the approach you will take towards the bitch of the second type, you will try to reassure the shy girl who runs no risk of embarrassment if he lingers in your company.
You’ll also want to make your approaches light and gentle, without any suggestions, at least at first.
The shy girl must get used to each level of closeness before she is emotionally ready to accept the next level.
The typical seduction mistake in this circumstance is to forget your shyness and try to skip certain steps.

What to do if a girl avoids you?

The case history of probable reasons why a girl avoids you I needed it to illustrate the hypotheses that you will test by studying the girl and hers in particular body language.
For your seduction strategy and for yours personal improvement it is of utmost importance to know why a certain girl avoids you.
She may very well have a personal problem – a relationship with another man that requires her to ignore you as a potential partner, a character problem like that of a female dog or a pathological narcissist – but it could also be (don’t forget) that you have committed a mistake of seduction without knowing.
In addition to relaunching you with a better appearance on the model of the male Alfa which You can seduce suggests, try to cherish the discoveries you make about why a girl is avoiding you. This is called experience and it is your invaluable resource.

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