The most effective technique for seducing is to be cheeky and in this article I explain why.
This is absolutely true, even if it seems like a provocation. Being cheeky around women is a very effective way to increase your chances of success. Before you start to be cheeky but let’s go back a little.
To simplify we can say that the world of seducers can be divided into three approximate categories:
- The shy ones.
- The normal ones.
- The rascals.
The first category, whether masculine or feminine, is influenced by its own shyness to the point of having difficulty conversing with a nice acquaintance, let alone someone they find attractive.
The “normal” category includes the majority of people. It can be said that almost all of us fall into it at some point in life and that we easily stay in this category, once we enter it, for the rest of our lives.
Those who belong to the third category, on the other hand, are potentially great seducers. By that I mean they have the potential to become exceptionally attractive.
If I wanted to make a football comparison to explain the third category, I would indicate Totti and Cassano. Both exceptionally gifted but, while the first became one of the greatest strikers of all time, the second gradually faded away, making us forget that at 17 he was capable of dribbling everywhere at Inter to score solo goals.
Staying cheeky isn’t easy
It is important to know that if you are shy, there is no need to remain shy for the rest of your life. It is possible to gradually move from one category to another.
Likewise, it is possible to move from the third category to the previous ones: from cheeky to more cautious and withdrawn. I also know this from personal experience.
As a slightly shy boy, I progressed by working on myself. By studying the surrounding reality and my behaviors, I learned from the experience and immediately applied what I learned.
So, assuming you’re not already naturally cheeky, you’ll need to work on this aspect of your personality. There plays comes close to seduction. Remember that it is not impossible to acquire it.
From shy to cheeky
The first thing to do if you are shy is to conceptualize your own shyness as a fact of character and not as a flaw in itself. It is a characteristic that we all possess in part and that we must control so as not to allow it to control us.
I have prepared a test on shyness that will help you understand it and I have also created an ebook that advises you on how to manage shyness and manage to master it in a few weeks.
When you have learned to manage your shyness, you will fall into the category of “normal” – so named by me for simplicity and not because I believe that “normal” is necessarily a virtue. As a “normal” seducer, you will be able to talk to women in an uninhibited manner and sometimes even approach someone you don’t know. Seduction will become within your reach.
As I told you, it is entirely possible to stay in the “normal” category for life. Once you find your personal balance, you could be happily ever after. To give you another football example, I’m referring to the song “Una vita da mediano” by Ligabue. The song celebrates Lele Oriali, one of the winners of the 1982 World Cup. The message: you don’t need to be a champion like Maradona to succeed in life and earn people’s respect.
Is there any point in being cheeky?
You must understand that the cheeky he is not a madman but someone who has decided that life must be lived and who has perhaps even discovered the big secret: women love cheeky man. (Side note: men like a sassy woman too.)
It might even seem trivial now that you think about it, but if it’s trivial, how come you haven’t started behaving like that too? If you too were capable of being cheeky, you would go for the woman you like as soon as you get the chance, you wouldn’t be afraid to make the first move with a woman you just met and you wouldn’t be afraid to approach a woman accompanied by her four friends.
And don’t forget the sex. You also know that women like to be bold in this area, whether it’s a quickie or a prolonged erotic relationship. I’m sure you know.
Yet you let yourself be conditioned by half-ideas and notions picked up who knows where. You ignore yours unconscious and you get buried in a thousand beliefs about what you like and what you don’t like, about the things you personally could do and the things you can’t afford.
And then you decide you can’t do the right thing because you run the risk of disfiguring yourself. But what is this terrible thing you are afraid of? The refusal ! You have Fear of being rejected.
But what is serious about a two of spades? If you think about it for a moment, you will realize that it is not such a terrible thing.
However, an inner voice threatens you with the seriousness, the shame, the horror of possible rejection. You also fear for your self-esteem…
What does it mean to be cheeky?
A popular idea of the cheeky character is one who picks up because he or she isn’t afraid to step up and approach a complete stranger. It is for us plays?
Skillful pick-ups usually do this because they have perfectly planned what to say and how to say it. It is not uncommon for him to use a routine consisting of prepackaged movements and which aims for a short and immediate effect on a target woman.
Of course, I hold no grudge against anyone who acts this way. The tools of seduction are numerous and everyone uses those they can. Only for me it’s not cheeky.
The example proposed by Treccani better illustrates what I mean: a cheeky boy, who is in awe of no one.
This is the meaning of the notion of plays that I’m trying to teach. A brazen man is not confident just because he is convinced that the target woman is there. His intrepidity is not given by the certainty of success but by the awareness that failure is not a tragedy but a banal fact.